What we cover in the Weighless Program (our Curriculum)

One of the questions I frequently get about the Weighless program is what exactly we cover in our curriculum.  This was originally conceived as a year-long program, which gave us time to get into virtually every possible aspect of weighing less–from the biochemistry to the logistics to the all-important head game.   The program is now self-paced, allowing you to move through the material as quickly or slowly as you like. Your access never expires.

Here is a more detailed breakdown:

Module 1: The Weighless Method

The first twelve topics focus on the basic tenets of the Weighless approach:

  • Collecting data
  • Setting appropriate goals
  • Connecting to what motivates us
  • Eating and movement patterns
  • Planning tools and techniques
  • Lifestyle design
  • Habit formation

Module 2: Weighless Skills

In the next twelve topics, we start to refine and customize our strategies, including:

  • Meal timing
  • Exercise strategies
  • Sleep patterns
  • Mindfulness techniques
  • Managing appetite
  • Dealing with cravings
  • Assessment
  • Problem solving
  • Prioritization

Module 3: Weighless Living

The largest part of the curriculum focuses on skills and strategies that help us stay on track long term. In addition to working more deeply on all of the above, we dig into:

  • Stress management
  • Cognitive distortions
  • Lapses and relapses
  • Recognizing ego defenses
  • Identifying and defusing triggers
  • Unsupportive environments
  • Social pressures
  • Managing disruptions (vacations, holidays, illnesses, injuries)
  • Learning to indulge without overindulging
  • Tapping into sustainable sources of motivation
  • Creating comfort and pleasure
  • How to learn from and recover from setbacks

As you can see, it is a robust, comprehensive and exhaustive curriculum. But the most important thing is not all that you know by the time you complete it. It’s the opportunity to put these tools into practice, to get support when you fail, and to build a self-sustaining system.

If you’re ready to dig in, dig deep, and finally become someone who weighs less, we can’t wait to work with you.

Details on enrolling are here.


8 Ways to know whether Weighless is right for you

3 Ways Weighless will change your life

What it’s like to weigh less


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