Have you ever wondered what it is that keeps us stuck at a particular weight, or a particular level of fitness, or a particular amount of money in the bank (etc)? Well, I have. And I have to say that the answer is more surprising and simpler than I had imagined.

It is our habits.
This is how it goes: our behaviours/actions are based on our thoughts, and our thoughts are based on our inputs. Our inputs revolve mainly around our habits, and those habits are perfectly curated to support our current results (body weight, fitness, job, relationships, and so on).
Let me restate that: our current habits are the perfect blueprint to achieve our current life.
So, what do we need to focus on to create a change in our current lot in life? Developing new habits.
Current Self vs Future Self
Most of the habits we engage in on a daily basis are designed to satisfy our current self with little or no regard for our future self (let alone our ideal self). For example:
- Current self passes the fridge and opens it up to see if there is something delicious in there to munch on. Future self wishes that current self would show some self-control.
- Current self sees that there is some extra money in the chequing account and decides to order-in dinner three nights this week. Future self sure wishes the retirement savings account was a little more robust (and our waist line was a little less robust).
- Current self hits snooze one more time and rushes into work without doing the morning movement routine. Future self is stiff and lethargic.
- You get the idea. Current self’s habits are holding future self in stasis which means ideal self is left to hang.
Building the Ideal Self
So, what if we designed our habits to support future self instead of only satisfying current self? Could we break out of a rut? Could we reach our larger life goals? Could we become the ideal self that current self only dreams of and future self laments?
Yes! Yes we can.
Remember that our current habits, behaviours and actions are exactly the ones that we need to repeat in order to continue to be the person we currently are.
So, in the Weighless worldview, we focus on what we need to do instead to move toward the person we desire to become. How we change those small behaviours, repeat a different set of habits, and (as we say in the program) “become the type of person who _insert_desired_outcome_here_” instead of remaining stuck in our current self.
So, what habits and behaviours does your ideal self engage in? What is holding you back from becoming the type of person who chooses those instead?